
Technical Committee Members

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Fast Registration Channel

Fast registration channel is opened up for delegates. Interested participants should register in advance by filling out the Registration Form at least one month before the conference. Registration Link will be announced soon.

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Committees of 2025
International Advisory Committees

Ljiljana Trajkovic, Simon Fraser University, Canada (IEEE Fellow)
Hamid R. Arabnia, University of Georgia, USA
Vijender Kumar Solanki, CMR Institute of Technology, India

Conference Chair

Joan Lu, University of Huddersfield, UK

Conference Co-chair

Filippo Neri, University of Naples “Federico Ii”, Italy

Program Co-chairs

Gyu Myoung Lee, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
George Bargiannis, University of Huddersfield, UK
Francesco Zirilli, Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Italy
Murad Al-Rajab, Abu Dhabi University, UAE

Publicity Co-chairs

Yew Kee Wong, Hong Kong Chu Hai College, China
Paulo Batista, University of Évora, Portugal
Pavel Loskot, Zhejiang University, China
Yousef Farhaoui, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco
Samia Loucif, Zayed University, UAE
Colin Layfield, University of Malta, Malta
Kiss Gabor, Obuda University, Hungary

International Program Committee

Domenico Talia, University of Calabria, Italy
Shridhar B Devamane, Tecsec Technologies Bangalore, India
Syed Mahamud Hossein, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar Polytechnic, India
Grigoras Gheorghe, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania
Karin Messer-Misak, FH JOANNEUM GmbH, Austria
Clay Palmeira, University of Huddersfield, UK
Lakshit Arora, Google, USA
Hamed Taherdoost, Canada West University, Canada
D. P. Sharma, AMIT AMU under United Nations Development Programme, India
Dunhui Xiao, Tongji University, China